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News & Observer article highlights plan for joint degree in biomedical engineering

On December 3, 2014 the Raleigh News & Observer published a feature story by Jay Price titled “NC State and UNC planning joint degree in biomedical engineering.”  The article describes how and why… Read more

Jeffrey Powell and Holden Mora on CBS Morning News

The story of how Biomedical Engineering Senior Jeffrey Powell went above and beyond to assist a local six year old boy, Holden Mora – who was born without fully-formed fingers on his left hand, is now… Read more

Huang Group Studies Impact of Power Prosthetic Failures on Amputees

NC State News Release by Matt Shipman Powered lower limb prosthetics hold promise for improving the mobility of amputees, but errors in the technology may also cause some users to stumble or fall. New… Read more

Elizabeth Loboa’s Regenerative Medicine Research: In The News

Dr. Elizbeth Loboa, core faculty in the Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering, has had her various efforts in Regenerative Medicine recently reported in multiple news outlets. Bob Buckley at Gree… Read more

Five BME seniors receive UNC Honors Program grants

Congratulations to BME undergraduates Taylor Comte, Kai Shin, Alanna Smith, Allie Pinosky, and Stephen Lee, who have each received a $500 grant from the UNC Honors program to pay for expenses associat… Read more

Zhen Gu’s Research on nanodaisies appears on NC State web site homepage

Dr. Zhen Gu, core faculty in the Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering, had his work on anticancer nanomedicine featured prominently on both NC State University’s home page (… Read more

Ke Cheng featured in News & Observer

Dr. Ke Cheng’s work with regenerating lost cardiac cells was featured in the October 19, 2014 Raleigh News & Observer. The article explains how a Dr. Cheng is developing nanoparticles that bind ad… Read more

Jacque Cole Featured in Auburn Engineering Magazine

Jacqueline Cole, an Assistant Professor in BME, has been featured in Auburn Engineering Magazine’s ongoing column, “It’s My Job.” The “It’s My Job” column features interviews with successful alumni fr… Read more

UNC Senior Design Team Selected as Finalists in National Invention Competition

The Collegiate Inventors Competition has selected the finalist for its 2014 Competition, and VoluMetric is one of seven undergraduate teams chosen from across the United States! VoluMetric is an under… Read more

BME IT Team Wins UNC IT Excellence Award

BME’s Information Technology team, Dustin Jones and Eugene Yamamura, received a Fall 2014 UNC IT Excellence Award. Out of 17 team nominations from across the entire UNC Campus, 3 groups were selected… Read more

Three BME Graduate Students Receive Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grants

North Carolina State University’s Graduate School awarded three BME graduate students Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grants for Spring 2015. They were Allison Amos, Hayley Dirscherl and Lauren Putvi… Read more

Anti-Cancer Drug Delivery Research from Zhen Gu’s Lab Featured on ScienceDaily, UNC Healthcare News, and NC State News

Researchers in Dr. Zhen Gu’s lab have developed “nano-cocoons” (see left) that offer targeted drug delivery against cancer cells. This innovative design utilizes DNA that tricks the cancer cell absorb… Read more