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“Better Together” is the motto of the Joint BME Department, and also the ethics we stand by: our Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering is committed to community, mentorship, research and providing students with hands-on practical experience in addressing some of the world’s most urgent health needs.

Below are three recent examples of student-faculty collaborations that highlight how BME laboratories are positively impacting the field of biomedical engineering: 

  Advanced Wound Healing- Brown Lab 

BME Associate Prof Ashley Brown’s Lab was recently featured in ABC11 for their work developing artificial blood platelets, which could have huge real-world impact in today’s blood supply shortage. 

  Applied Biomechanics Laboratory- PI Jason Franz

Invested in preserving independent mobility and preventing falls in our rapidly aging population, a PhD student from this lab not only received the 2021 Journal of Biomechanics Award, but also, for the first time in the history of the award, two of the same lab members were selected as finalists (read the announcement here). 

  Benhabbour Research Laboratory

BME PhD students in Dr Rahima Benhabbour’s Lab, pictured above, have recently received fellowships and a major grant from NIH to develop more reliable methods for delivering drug treatments to women with a wide range of applications including cancer and HIV prevention (full story here). 

Beyond these inspiring stories from faculty and students, this past year has been an exciting time for the department, as we have taken action to recognize and actively encourage diversity: from creating a BME undergraduate research guide that speaks to students of diverse backgrounds to organizing diversity subcommittees among our faculty and staff, plus developing a new course within our MS Innovation + Entrepreneurship program with the goal of recruiting students from underrepresented minorities.

We hope you will consider investing in the continued success of our diverse community of more than 500 students across undergraduate, masters and doctoral programs! 

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