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Gabrielle Brim Awarded Witherspoon Graduate Fellowship

Congratulations to Gabrielle Brim, BME Ph.D. student and graduate research assistant in the Orthopedic Mechanobiology Lab, on receiving the Witherspoon Graduate Fellowship this summer. written by Libb… Read more

A Family’s Legacy of Education and Curiosity

Carolina alums honor a family legacy by supporting aspiring biomedical engineers. This article was originally posted on April 11, 2024 by Erin Bland at UNC University Development and can be read here…. Read more

Joseph Burclaff Receives Award to Advance Understanding of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Triggers

Joseph Burclaff, research assistant professor in the Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering, was recently awarded the 2024 AGA-Bristol Mayers Squibb Research Scholar Award in inflammatory bowel di… Read more

Carolina Honors Three Faculty Winners of Global Excellence Awards

PROVOST, VICE PROVOST PRESENT 2024 FACULTY AWARDS FOR GLOBAL EXCELLENCE  On May 1, at the FedEx Global Education Center, a group of faculty, staff, alumni and families joined together to celebrate a t… Read more

Aubrey Gray Receives Dissertation Completion Fellowship to Propel Her Research

Biomechanics Ph.D. Candidate Aubrey Gray has been honored with the Dissertation Completion Fellowship award from the Graduate School at UNC-Chapel Hill for the 2024-2025 academic year! Aubrey’s resear… Read more

2023-2024 BME Graduate Student Service Award Recipients

The winners of the Graduate Student Service Awards for the academic year 2023-2024 have been selected! We’re excited to announce that ten students will receive recognition for their outstanding contri… Read more

Honorees Announced for College of Engineering and BME Senior Awards

The 2024 Senior Award winners were announced on April 17th at the annual College of Engineering (COE) Awards Banquet at NC State.  The Senior Awards honor outstanding graduating seniors for excellence… Read more

Connections Between Japan, UNC Reinforce Commitment, Opportunities

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida shakes hands with Nagoya University President Naoshi Sugiyama, during his recent visit to North Carolina. (Photo by Marc Hall.) Prime minister’s visit underscores… Read more

Kyla Bosh Named College of Engineering Doctoral Scholar of the Year

The COE Doctoral Scholar of the Year Award, a prestigious honor given annually by NC State, is a testament to a doctoral student’s outstanding scholarly achievements and leadership accomplishments in… Read more

Abrams Scholars Announced for the 2023-2024 Cohort

The Abrams Scholars for the 2023-2024 cohort have been selected. BME is delighted to announce that this year’s scholars will be granted a mentored research fellowship sponsored by the NC State College… Read more

Andi Scheer and Rekha Balasubramanyam Win 2024 Awards for Excellence

On Tuesday, April 9, 2024, NC States’ College of Engineering held its annual Awards for Excellence ceremony. This year’s winners from the Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME) for SHRA and… Read more

Synthetic Platelets Stanch Bleeding, Promote Healing in Animal Models

  Researchers have developed synthetic platelets that can be used to stop bleeding and enhance healing at the site of an injury. The researchers have demonstrated that the synthetic platelets wor… Read more