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Mahsa Mohiti-Asli Featured on NC State’s Abstract

August 13, 2014

The Abstract, a publication of NC State University, recently featured a post by Mahsa Mohiti-Asli—one of the postdoctoral researchers working in Dr. Elizabeth Loboa’s Cell Mechanics Laboratory (CML). Dr. Mohiti-Asli earned her Ph.D. from NC State’s Department of Fiber and … Read more

Josie Bodle Wins Doctoral Dissertation Completion Award

August 13, 2014

Josie Bodle, a doctoral student working in Dr. Elizabeth Loboa’s Cell Mechanics Laboratory, has recently been awarded a Doctoral Dissertation Completion Award. The award, which runs from July 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014, will allow Ms. Bodle to focus … Read more

Fran Ligler Inducted as AAAS Fellow!

August 12, 2014

This February, BME core faculty member Fran Ligler was inducted as a Fellow of the American Association of Advancement of Science (AAAS) in Chicago. AAAS elevates members to the rank of Fellow for their efforts toward advancing science applications that … Read more