The Abstract, a publication of NC State University, recently featured a post by Mahsa Mohiti-Asli—one of the postdoctoral researchers working in Dr. Elizabeth Loboa’s Cell Mechanics Laboratory (CML). Dr. Mohiti-Asli earned her Ph.D. from NC State’s Department of Fiber and Polymer Science in August of 2013, and she has stayed at NC State since as a postdoctoral researcher in our department. In the CML, she has continued her work with advanced materials to accelerate wound healing, and she was recently granted a pilot award with Dr. Loboa from UNC’s NC TraCS program.
The post on The Abstract offers a personal touch and a peek inside the life of one of BME’s outstanding postdoctoral researchers. She notes that when she uses a microscope for her research, which happens frequently as she is visualizing characteristics of cells and biomaterials, she often remembers a quote from Theodore Roszak: “Nature composes some of her loveliest poems for the microscope.”
The feature is part of an ongoing series that The Abstract is undertaking called “This is What Science Looks like at NC State,” which aims to put faces on the exciting research coming out of North Carolina State University.