Communications and Branding
Shortcuts to Branding Topics
- Department Branding and Logos
- Email Signature Template
- Typography
- Slack – Official Department Chat Service
Department Branding and Logos
Our department has a unique branding identity that blends the marketing from two institutions into one. The department logo should be used in all communications. A link to the Branding Drive is included so that you have access to all current branding resources available.
The Branding Drive folder contains:
- Joint BME Logos
- NC State Logos
- UNC Logos
- Icons
- Color Swatches
- PowerPoint Templates
- Presentation Posters
- Letterhead
Branding Shared Drive
Typography for the Joint Department was chosen based on accessibility, as well as the history of media publications within the department. Historically, the department worked with the College of Engineering at NC State for many years to develop internal and external publication materials for marketing and distribution. To honor that relationship, the department has continued to use the typefaces used within the College of Engineering.
Official Typeface
The department’s primary typeface is Univers. There are four specific faces that are used predominantly in our print and other public materials: Univers Bold Condensed, Univers Condensed, Univers Roman, and Univers Light.
Open Source Typeface
Roboto is a free font family available from Google Fonts. It offers close matches to other on-brand typefaces — Roboto Light for Univers Light, Roboto Regular for Univers Roman and Roboto Condensed for Univers Condensed. Because of its digital-first nature, it is typically used on our digital media and web spaces.
Substitute Font
Our primary substitute typeface is Arial. Arial is acceptable for use in presentations, HTML emails, native apps, and in Word documents that cannot be distributed as PDFs.
Email Signature
Examples of preferred email signature formats for the department are provided below. If you would like to include links to the department’s (or your laboratory’s) social media, icons are provided below for you to use. If you use your email signature to link to your laboratory’s social media, we ask that you also provide a link to the department website somewhere in your signature.
Downloads: Email Social Media Icons – Zip File
Department Social Media URLs (if using social media icons in your email signature):
Our department uses Slack as our primary means of chat-based communication. If you are not familiar with the Slack platform, instructions are provided below on how to sign up for an account and join our Workspace.
- To sign up for a Slack account, use the instructions found in the Joining BME Slack Guide
- If you’d like to get a paid Slack Enterprise License for yourself or your lab, you can obtain one through NC State OIT at a discounted rate of $29.88 per person per year. For more information on how to obtain this license, go to
Note: the cost of a paid Slack Enterprise license through NC State is completely free from FY 2023-2024. After that date, you will be charged the regular NC State price.