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Kent Gordon Wins Tony B. Travel Award from SLAS

January 12, 2015

Kent Gordon won a Tony B. Academic Travel Award from the Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening. Due to the high volume of applications received, this year’s award was highly competitive. Mr. Gordon will be presenting his poster “Novel Magnetic … Read more

Jeffrey Powell and Holden Mora on CBS Morning News

November 24, 2014

The story of how Biomedical Engineering Senior Jeffrey Powell went above and beyond to assist a local six year old boy, Holden Mora – who was born without fully-formed fingers on his left hand, is now national a national story … Read more

Elizabeth Loboa’s Regenerative Medicine Research: In The News

November 14, 2014

Dr. Elizbeth Loboa, core faculty in the Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering, has had her various efforts in Regenerative Medicine recently reported in multiple news outlets. Bob Buckley at Greensboro North Carolina television station WGHP did a story on her … Read more