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Hubbard Lab Seniors Receive Honors Thesis Research Funding

Congratulations to Alexa Romero, Ian Voos, and Keerthi Anand for winning UNC Honors Thesis research awards! Roughly 350 Honors Carolina students cap their undergraduate experience with a Senior Honors… Read more

Graduate Student Soha Bazyar Wins First Place in UNC Lineberger Poster Competition

BME graduate student Soha Bazyar was a first-place winner in the UNC Lineberger Annual Retreat poster session in October. Mentored by Yueh Lee, Soha’s poster was titled “Efficacy of Combined Microbeam… Read more

Edikan Archibong Receives AIMBE Travel Award

Post-doctoral researcher Dr. Edikan Archibong has received an AIMBE travel award to attend the Public Policy Institute’s Rising Leaders conference! Taking place in Washington, DC, the conference offer… Read more

Bill Polacheck co-authors a groundbreaking publication in Nature

New BME faculty member Dr. Bill Polacheck and a team of Harvard scientists have discovered a new cell signaling pathway that is a promising target for drugs to treat a variety of conditions, including… Read more

Brian Diekman Receives Grant to Study Mechanisms of Aging

BME faculty member Dr. Brian Diekman has received a $100,000 grant from the American Foundation for Aging Research (AFAR)/Arthritis National Research Foundation (ANRF) to study the mechanisms of aging… Read more

Assistant Professor Biomedical Engineering – Neuroengineering Focus

The UNC/NC State Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME) ( is seeking to fill a 9-month tenure-track position in Rehabilitation Engineering at the rank of Assistant Professor…. Read more

BME Teams Up with Duke Researchers to Study Synthetic Platelets for Wound Healing

Dr. Ashley Brown and an inter-institutional team of researchers from NC State, UNC, and Duke have recently been awarded a Duke/NC State Clinical and Translational Science Award to study synthetic plat… Read more

Scott Magness Receives NIH Grant to Study Gut Cancers

Gut cancers are some of the least understood in the oncology world, something Dr. Scott Magness hopes to change in the near future. He and a dedicated research team have received funding from the Nati… Read more

Jason Franz Receives NIH Award to Study Age-Related Mobility and Balance

Dr. Jason Franz and his Applied Biomechanics Laboratory have been awarded a National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant to study walking balance control and risk of falls in the elderly. The project wil… Read more

Stephanie Teeter marks 10 years with BME

Stephanie Teeter is celebrating 10 years of service with BME at NC State! Stephanie joined the department in 2007 and since then has worked as a laboratory manager and research technician for several… Read more

Anti-obesity therapy is new target for Zhen Gu’s microneedle patch

The microneedle patch developed by Dr. Zhen Gu and his research team now has a new application: delivering fat-fighting therapies. Zhen and his team have created a patch-based method by which energy-s… Read more