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Contact Information:

Eugene Yamamura

UNC Mary Ellen Jones Bldg, Room 9008

NC State Engineering Bldg III, Room 4101A

  • Salisbury University, B.S., Business Administration


Eugene possesses over 20 years of IT & Network support experience. Since 2013, Eugene has been employed in the university IT staff at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, North Carolina State University and Kennesaw State University, with 7 years supporting the Lampe Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering. Prior, he spent in the Defense Contracting industry. Most notably, he served as a Task Lead at Naval Base San Diego’s NETC Learning Sites. He was also a Security Analyst contracted to the Department of Homeland Security, and acted as a Systems Administrator/Video-Telecommunications (VTC) Coordinator at Fort Bragg Army Base. His previous experience includes technical training, traveling globally as a contractor to the Army & Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES). 


Naval Education & Training Command - IT Award (2010)
Carolina Technology Consultants - IT Award (2014)

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