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Contact Information:

Bob Dennis

Mary Ellen Jones 9004A
UNC Chapel Hill
(919) 843-6076

Research Areas:
  • Rehabilitation Engineering
  • Regenerative Medicine
  • 1996 Ph.D. University of Michigan
  • 1992 M.S. University of Michigan


My current and future research in tissue engineering will focus on the following topics: – Automated cell culture systems (for applying controlled interventions and monitoring the resulting function) – Control of expression of adult muscle phenotype (adult myosin isoforms: fast twitch & slow twitch) – Compliant tendons (for mechanical impedance matching and the reduction of stress concentrations) – Motor unit level control of engineered skeletal muscle constructs (a collaboration with CNCT in EECS) – Nerve-muscle interface (to provide nerve-derived trophic factors and to aid in the expression of adult phenotype) – Angiogenesis and perfusion (to allow large tissue cross sections).

Research Interests

Biomedical Instrumentation
Tissue Engineering


Award for First Place, Basic Research, American Society for Plastic Surgery, 73rd annual mtg. 2004
Ruth and Joel Spira Outstanding Teaching Award, U-Michigan College of Engineering 2003

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