UNC BME Administration Policy
Proposal Submissions:
- University administrative review packages (RAMSeS at UNC-CH; PINS at NC State) must be submitted 8 business days prior to sponsor deadline or proposal will not be submitted.
- Complete Proposals (including final Research Plans) will be due to the Department 4 business days prior to sponsor deadline or proposal will not be submitted.
- All proposal budgets must use at least the minimum BME Graduate Research Assistant annual stipend rate. Partial appointments will be acceptable.
- Appeals or requests for exceptions from Department Proposal Submission policies will be submitted to, and decided by, BME Chair or Associate Chair.
Grant Management
- Sponsored Research pay source changes deemed excessive will be referred to BME Chair or Associate Chair for approval. For example; multiple pay source changes for an individual in a 3-month period may be excessive.
- Retroactive changes of Sponsored Research expenses deemed excessive will be referred to BME Chair or Associate Chair for approval. These examples may be excessive: retroactive personnel actions; moving multiple costs from one source to another; and changing expenses more than 3-months old.
- Student appointments to current funding sources not requested at least1 month before the desired start or continuation date will be referred to the BME Chair or Associate Chair for approval.
- At their discretion, BME administrative Staff may refer any request for an unusual grant management action to the BME Chair or Associate Chair for approval.