The Abrams Scholars for the 2022-2023 cohort have been selected, and Joint BME is proud to announce that the selected scholars will receive a mentored research fellowship funded by the NC State College of Engineering Research Experience for Undergraduates Program.
Joint BME Abrams Scholars are provided the opportunity to conduct hands-on, mentored research projects throughout the academic year. Selected scholars are highly motivated, research-focused undergraduate students. Mentorship through the program frequently provides students the opportunity to present their work at academic conferences, as well as co-author journal publications.
The joint department is excited to present this academic year’s list of Abrams Scholars:
Project Title
Evan Bartle
Dr. Derek Kamper (BME)
EEG and EMG control of a Hand Exoskeleton
Nicole Baugh
Dr. Mike Sano (BME)
Investigation of Pulsed Electric Fields to Induce a Positive Immune Response Against Metastatic Cancer
Kathryn Benedict
Dr. Jacque Cole (BME)
Development of a bone-on-chip platform to examine effects of post-stroke inflammation on bone-vascular interactions
Lillian Chilton
Dr. Jason Franz (BME)
Development and validation of a computer-controlled force field for emulating balance disturbances in human gait
Michael Clark
Dr. Derek Kamper (BME)
Games for Serious Rehabilitation
Madeline Dudley
Dr. Helen Huang (BME)
Simultaneous Multi-Degree of Freedom Control of an Upper-Limb Prosthetic Hand for Functional Tasks
Brooke Dunkley
Dr. Jacque Cole (BME)
Effect of Brachial Plexus Birth Injury on Bone Metabolism and Muscle Architecture
Jordan Feldman
Dr. Jason Franz (BME)
Wearable sensor-based perception thresholds for remote monitoring of locomotor instability
Elena Fernandez
Dr. Wubin Bai (Applied Physical Sciences, UNC)
Development of Real-time, Robot-assisted Hand Coordination Tool
Samhitha Gali
Dr. Ashley Brown (BME)
Evaluating a Dual-Delivery Nanogel Therapeutic for Treatment of Cardiac Fibrosis on Viscoelastic Materials
Carter Gamble
Dr. Jacque Cole (BME)
Characterization of a 3D biomimetic bone scaffold for in vitro examination of bone microenvironments
Aakarsh Gundu
Dr. Matt Fisher (BME)
Histological Evaluation of Cartilage Degeneration and Joint Response Following ACL Injury
Varad Gurude
Dr. Mike Sano (BME)
Evaluation of High-Frequency Irreversible Electroporation in an Ex Vivo Liver Model
Asher Hancock
Dr. David Zaharoff (BME)
Developing a self-associating chitosan hydrogel
Mason Hon
Dr. Ashley Brown (BME)
Neonatal fibrin-based nanoparticles for wound healing
Alexa Jimenez Escribano
Dr. Donald Freytes (BME)
Bioreactor development to mimic relevant mechanical environments for tissue systems
Marina Kapitanov
Dr. Donald Freytes (BME)
Engineered Heart and Muscle Micro-Tissues Platform
Amanda Knizley
Dr. Jacque Cole (BME)
Characterization of a 3D biomimetic bone scaffold for in vitro examination of bone microenvironments
Robert Kobrin
Dr. David Zaharoff (BME)
Development of a chitosan-glycerol hydrogel for localized immunotherapy
Manasi Krishnakumar
Dr. Ashley Brown (BME)
Characterization of fibrin-binding synthetic platelets
Rohan Krishnan
Dr. Brian Diekman (BME)
The relationship between cartilage permeability and response to compressive loading
Daniel Ku
Dr. Wesley Legant (BME)
Traction force microscopy for studying cell migration in complex microenvironments
Andrew Marshall
Dr. David Lalush (BME)
AI-based Analysis of Quantitative MRI of the Knee
Sara Meehan
Dr. William Polacheck (BME)
Fabrication of 3D printed microfluidic molds for the vasculature
Bryce Menichella
Dr. Jinwook Kim (BME)
Development of customized therapeutic ultrasound devices using 3D printed components
Ashlesha Mirajkar
Dr. Nitin Sharma (BME)
Ultrasound Neuromodulation of Peripheral Nerves
Deeqa Musa
Dr. Jacque Cole (BME)
Examining the Relationship Between Trabecular Bone Organization and Mechanics Following Brachial Plexus Birth Injury
Tien Nguyen
Dr. Wubin Bai (Applied Physical Sciences, UNC)
Development of Real-time, Robot-assisted, Hand Coordination Tool
Hannah Ni
Dr. David Hill (BME)
Pathogen penetration of the mucus layer
Avanti Panajkar
Dr. Nitin Sharma (BME)
Impedance Control of Antagonistic Muscles using Functional Electrical Stimulation
Alexandra Patton
Dr. William Polacheck (BME)
Mechanical characterization of cell-derived hydrogels
Anjana Pranavi
Dr. David Zaharoff (BME)
Development of dissolvable microneedle match for intradermal vaccination
Nidhi Rane
Dr. Yevgeny Brudno (BME)
Refillable Drug Delivery Devices
Anna Riordan
Dr. Mike Sano (BME)
Development of Optimal Protocols for In Vivo Genetic Engineering Using CRISPR/Cas 9 and Pulsed Electric Fields
Courtney Rogers
Dr. Yevgeny Brudno (BME)
Biomaterial Scaffolds for Cellular Reprogramming
Lea Schwartz
Dr. Jeffrey Macdonald (BME)
LC-MS Isotopologue Analysis of the Liver-Blood-Brain Axis
Abby Sweitzer
Dr. Ola Harrysson (ISE)
Adjustable Transition Prosthetic
Katie Taran
Dr. Jacque Cole (BME)
Effect of Brachial Plexus Birth Injury on Functional Limb Use and Muscle Strength
Justin Tulino
Dr. Imran Rizvi (BME)
Using 3D Printing Techniques to Produce Reusable, Deformable and Small-Scale Models of OVCAR-5 Tumors for Low-Cost Flow-Induced Shear Stress Parametric Analysis
Samantha Watson
Dr. Matt Fisher (BME)
Mechanical and cellular impact of the incorporation of tendon-ECM into gelatin direct-write, near-field electrospun fibers
Claire Wiebking
Dr. Donald Freytes (BME)
Development of Multifunctional Skin Healing Materials from Naturally Derived Hydrogels and Botanical Elements
Hailey Wrona
Dr. Michael Lewek (Allied Health Sciences, UNC)
Impact of arm swing mechanics on gait stability in Parkinson’s disease
Sicheng Xing
Dr. Wubin Bai (Applied Physical Sciences, UNC)
Minimally invasive, battery-free soft robots for surgical site monitoring with multichannel wireless sensing