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Three graduate students and one Post-Doctoral Associate, trainees in Associate Professor Ashley Brown’s research group, recently were recognized by their field’s premier professional group the Society for Biomaterials.

1. Grant Scull was Elected President-Elect for the 2022-2023 session of the National Student Section of the Society for Biomaterials. The purpose of the National Student Section of the Society For Biomaterials is to encourage the development, dissemination, integration, and utilization of knowledge in biomaterials among students, and encourage multi-disciplinary interactions among all members of the Society For Biomaterials. For more information look here.

2. Ana Sheridan was a Society for Biomaterials STAR award winner in the Society for Biomaterials Cardiovascular Special Interest Group. The Student Travel Achievement Recognitions (STARs) recognize research excellence and develop future leaders within the Society. This award is given to the highest scoring abstract in a Special Interest Group (SIG) at the Society for Biomaterials Conference. Ana’s award for was Cardiovascular Biomaterials. Her abstract/oral presentation was titled: Targeted Delivery of Fibrinolytics and Anticoagulants to Treat Thrombotic Complications. For more information look here.

3. Nina Moiseiwitsch was a Society for Biomaterials Cardiovascular Special Interest Group Poster award winner.

4. Kimberly Nellenbach, Ph.D. received a Society for Biomaterials 3rd Place in the Postdoctoral Recognition Award Contest.

BME congratulates these four Brown research group trainees for their outstanding achievements at the recent Society for Biomaterials meeting.

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