Ryan Facer, BME alumnus 2018, is currently a product development engineer for AccuMED Corp (a division of Lear Corporation), which specializes in the manufacturing of medical products. Facer’s team was called upon to design a new face mask so that colleagues in China could return to work safely amidst the coronavirus outbreak back in February. Within three days of design approval, the company was ready for production.
Now AccuMED Corp is providing mask donations throughout the world, and Facer was designated lead engineer on the rollout and distribution of millions of these face masks where coronavirus cases are still rising. His colleagues claim it was practically his destiny, having nicknamed the design “The Facer.” Ryan Facer shares that the skills he learned as a BME student, while preparing for junior and senior design, prepared him for his global presentation on the new mask design. To know more, you can read Lear’s press release here.