Dr. George Ligler, recently appointed Dean’s Eminent Professor of the Practice in Biomedical Engineering, is quickly filling his advisory dance card with four recent demanding committee appointments by the NC State Chancellor’s office and the National Academy of Engineering (NAE).
Dr. Ligler was appointed by Chancellor Randy Woodson to be on the NC State Intellectual Property Committee, for a two-year term ending July 31, 2020. The Committee, chaired by Vice Chancellor Dr. Alan Rebar, meets twice a year to review, discuss, and make recommendations related to intellectual property issues to the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation and the Office of Technology Commercialization and New Ventures.
Not an entity to underuse a valuable resource, the NAE has called Dr. Ligler to serve on three committees. He was elected to the Executive Committee of the Special Fields and Interdisciplinary Engineering Section (Section 12). In this capacity, he will be Second Vice Chair of the Section in 2018-2019, First Vice Chair of the Section in 2019-2020, and Chair of the Section from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021. The NAE Council further appointed Dr. Ligler to a three-year term as a member of the Section 12 Peer Committee. This committee assists with vetting nominees that are directed to Section 12 for Academy membership. Dr. Ligler also remains a member of the Academy’s 2019 Nominating Committee. On September 7th this committee recommended a nominee to be the next President of the Academy. The Nominating Committee is additionally making recommendations for several candidates for the NAE Council as well as one of the other officers of the Academy.