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Matt Kossol

Matthew Kossell, a senior in the BME undergraduate program, recently completed a yearlong internship at DSM Biomedical (formerly Kensey Nash Biomedical) in Exton, PA. During his time at DSM, Matt worked with Extracellular Matrix Technology R&D. Matt’s main responsibilities involved working alongside a team of engineers designing, defining, and carrying out procedures for future generation soft tissue repair meshes made from biological materials. He gained valuable experience with cutting edge technologies and equipment and developed test protocols, executed experiments, and summarized and presented results. Matt was also responsible for interviewing, training, and mentoring single semester interns. “Having the opportunity to spend a year working at a company the caliber of DSM Biomedical between my junior and senior years at UNC was a tremendous learning experience. I believe the time spent away from the class room has enhanced my education and will be invaluable as I embark on my BME career. I highly recommend the internship route to anyone that is fortunate enough to get the chance,” Matt says.

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