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Program Info & Eligibility

The Lucas Scholar Fellowship (LSF), named in honor of former UNC BME chair Carol Lucas, is an intensive research program for exceptional juniors in Biomedical Engineering. It fosters collaboration between UNC and NC State through undergraduate research, with candidates from both schools, though research must be conducted at UNC.

In the fall of their junior year, applicants apply for the fellowship. If selected, they meet with their mentor, identify a research project, and have the option to enroll in BME/BMME 295 for the spring semester. During the spring, scholars formalize their project and apply for a UNC Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) while gaining experience with lab techniques, background research, and project preparation.

Over the summer, scholars receive a stipend from LSF and matching mentor funds to work full-time on their research, fill out a BME/BMME 495 application (two deadlines: April or July) for the fall of their senior year. During the fall, they complete their project and write up their results. In the spring of their senior year, they present their research findings at the BME noon seminar series.

How to apply

Application Deadline: October 30, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. EST

1) Identify 2-3 faculty members from the ‘Contributing Mentors’ list below that you are interested in working with. To ensure the best match of students and mentors, please rank your mentor choice in the application.

2) Have a BME faculty member nominate you for the Lucas Scholar Fellowship. Faculty at UNC and NC State may nominate students from either campus by emailing one concise paragraph describing the merits as to why you should be considered a competitive candidate for the Lucas Scholar Fellowship. Email nomination here.

3) Download, fill out the application, and send it to Dr. Brian Diekman at and Dr. Scott Magness at

4) Questions? email Dr. Brian Diekman at and Dr. Scott Magness at

Mentors 2024-2025


Ryen Ormesher

“The Lucas Scholarship Program has given me the invaluable opportunity to learn more about cutting-edge research in my field while still contributing to the biomedical sciences. As undergraduate student research, I had the chance to work with other students on novel research that had real-world medical applications. I worked with a diverse group of students on new ultrasound image processing techniques. Completing the summer research gave me the chance to explore applications of biomedical engineering, contribute to an ongoing medical study and exposed me to new fields in medicine.”

Nathan Beaumont

“Working in Dr. Allbritton’s lab was an insightful and invaluable experience. As someone continuing biomedical research into the future, working in such an extraordinarily helpful lab has taught me the nuances of conducting useful and quality research. The Lucas Scholarship was not only able to support my own scientific exploration but has connected me with like-minded researchers who may be collaborators someday. I’m excited by the discoveries I’ve made over the summer, and I’m eager to be presenting them to the scientific community. I won’t be able to forget the connections and experiences I’ve made in the program, and will be thinking back on them far into my future.”

Noam Sheetrit
“The Lucas Scholarship has given me a true opportunity to explore the intersection of engineering and biology. During my research experience as a Lucas Scholar in the Magness lab, I was pushed to develop critical research skills in tissue engineering that I would have never developed in a classroom or internship. I collaborated with different researchers in different labs, learned new techniques, was exposed to a vast array of biotechnology and delved deep into the scientific method. The skills and experiences I obtained will be carried with me throughout the entirety of my future career.”

Lindsey Wells

“This summer, I was granted the experience to develop my professional skill set while working under experts leading the field in biological innovation through the Lucas Scholar program. I gained a new appreciation for my ability to work and think independently while contributing to the greater goal of advancing chromatin-based therapeutics. My team in the Dayton and Pattenden labs instilled in me the confidence to function as a competent biomedical engineer by allowing me creative license in solving unique problems. This skill will prove invaluable in the future as I move forward to pursue a professional degree. Ultimately the Lucas Scholarship afforded me the opportunity to build on the fundamental skills that I had acquired in the first three years of my collegiate education and propelled me forward in my endeavors to apply these skills to the advancement of science and medicine.”

Franklin Blum

“I feel so fortunate to have been supported in exploring the incredible ways in which engineering principles can be combined with biological systems to solve medical challenges. I learned so much in my research experience as a Lucas Scholar this past summer. Conducting innovative research in the Gomez lab to explore kinase-inhibitor drug therapies in breast cancer allowed me to develop and apply a technical skill set to solve a pressing medical need, which allowed me to experience the incredible reward found in utilizing the power of science and engineering to solve medical problems. Inspired by this experience, I am committed to conducting research in the future, in medical school and beyond.”

Hope Piercy

“The Lucas scholarship was a very valuable experience, and I am very honored to have been given this opportunity. Through the Lucas Scholarship, I was able to meet and work with amazing people that I would not have met otherwise. In addition, the Lucas scholarship was a tremendous learning opportunity, as it allowed me to learn about and be a part of the incredible work being done in the Dayton Lab. I am very grateful to have been able to be a part of this wonderful program.”

Mike Lebhar

“I have gained significant experience in clinical research and learned the importance of scientific discovery working as an undergraduate BME researcher in Dr. Allbritton’s lab through the Lucas scholarship. As I continue my education to medical school, I’m excited and passionate to pursue new research projects and bring innovation to patient care.”