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Contact Information:

Roger Narayan

4204D Engineering Building III
NC State Centennial Campus
(919) 696-8488,,,

Research Areas:
  • Biomedical Microdevices
  • 2002 Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering, North Carolina State University
  • 2001 M.D., Wake Forest University School of Medicine


Dr. Roger Narayan is a Distinguished Professor in the Lampe Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of North Carolina and North Carolina State University. He is an author of over two hundred publications as well as several book chapters on novel approaches for the processing of biomedical materials. He currently serves as an editorial board member for several academic publications, including as executive editor of Biomaterials Forum (Society for Biomaterials) and associate editor of Applied Physics Reviews (AIP Publishing). Dr. Narayan has also edited several books, including the first and second editions of the textbook Biomedical Materials (Springer), the handbook Materials for Medical Devices (ASM International), the Encyclopedia of Biomedical Engineering (Elsevier), and the Encyclopedia of Sensors and Biosensors (Elsevier). Dr. Narayan currently leads the Materials Research Society Bio Staging Task Force on 3D/Bioprinting; he has previously served as director of the TMS Functional Materials Division, the ASM International Emerging Technologies Awareness Committee, and the American Ceramic Society Bioceramics Division. As the 2016-7 ASME Swanson Fellow, he worked with America Makes, the national additive manufacturing institute, on several activities to disseminate additive manufacturing technology, including the development of a workforce/education/outreach roadmap for additive manufacturing and the development of a repository containing educational materials related to additive manufacturing. He has served as the director of a Science Saturday outreach program at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences since 2010. Dr. Narayan has received several honors for his research activities, including the University of North Carolina Jefferson-Pilot Fellowship in Academic Medicine, the National Science Faculty Early Career Development Award, and the Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award. He has been elected as Fellow of AAAS, ASME, ASM International, AIMBE, American Ceramic Society, and the Materials Research Society. His journal papers (current h index=64) are indexed at Google Scholar.

For a summary of a new device that uses tiny needle-like sensors to detect fentanyl in blood serum, please refer to this document. 


Research Interests

2D materials
3D printing
Drug delivery


2022: Materials Research Society Fellow
2022: TMS Functional Materials Division Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award
2021: ASME Fellow
2021: NC State Impact Scholar
2019: NC State Academy of Excellence in Global Engagement
2019: NC State Provost’s Faculty Fellow
2018: NC State Community Engaged Faculty Fellow
2018: TMS Functional Materials Division Distinguished Service Award
2018: TMS Brimacombe Medalist Award
2017: American Ceramic Society Fellow
2016: Invited Participant EU-US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium
2016: Royal Academy of Engineering Distinguished Visiting Fellow at University College London
2016: ASME Swanson Fellow at America Makes
2014: Fulbright-Brazil Scientific Mobility Program at the University of Sao Paulo
2011: American Ceramic Society Richard M. Fulrath Award
2010: NC State Alcoa Foundation Engineering Research Achievement Award
2009: ASM International Fellow
2008: NC State Sigma Xi Faculty Research Award
2007: American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow
2007: UNC Jefferson-Pilot Fellowship in Academic Medicine
2006: National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award
2005: Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award

Courses Taught

BME 335 Biomaterials
BME 540 Nanobiotechnology
BME 590 Nanobiomaterials
Director, NC State Nanobiotechnology Certificate Program (2013-present)
Director, UNC Nanobiotechnology Certificate Program (2011-present)

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