Professor Roger Narayan, MD, PhD, Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering at NC State and UNC Chapel Hill, has been elected a fellow of the Materials Research Society (MRS). He was recognized for his pioneering contributions in advanced biomaterials and laser additive manufacturing for novel micro‐ and nano‐structured coatings and biomedical structures for tissue engineering scaffolds, drug delivery devices and biosensors. He has pioneered the use of laser-based additive manufacturing techniques, including laser direct writing and two-photon polymerization, to process materials with micrometer scale and sub-micrometer scale features for medical applications. This research has been featured on the websites of Popular Science, Laser Focus World, and National Public Radio. In addition, Dr. Narayan and his colleagues have spearheaded the biosensor applications of microneedles that were created using either two-photon polymerization or digital micromirror device-based stereolithography. Three US Patents involving this technology have been licensed by Biolinq, Inc to produce miniaturized glucose sensors.
MRS fellows are honored for their distinguished lifetime research accomplishments and their outstanding contributions to the advancement of materials research worldwide. Narayan was one of the twelve persons recognized this year. “I extend my personal congratulations, along with those of the MRS board of directors, for this singular honor,” said Carolyn Duran, president of MRS. “The distinction is highly selective. We are fortunate to have received a large number of excellent nominations each year, which always makes the work of the selection committee extraordinarily demanding, but reflects very positively on the fellow program, as well as on MRS.”
Narayan has received numerous other awards, including TMS Brimacombe Medal, ACerS Fulrath Award, TMS Distinguished Scientist Award, Fulbright Fellowships (Brazil, Mexico, New Zealand), ACerS Coble Award, and Fellow honors from AAAS, ASM-International, ACerS, ASME, and AIMBE He has authored >265 peer-reviewed papers, 1 Textbook (Biomedical Materials, in its second edition), 1 Encyclopedia (the Encyclopedia of Biomedical Engineering), 1 Handbook (ASM Handbook on Materials for Medical Devices) and 21 Book Chapters with citations over 12,500 (h-index>65, i10-index>220).