Our Lampe Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering at UNC and NC State is proud to honor the following faculty and staff awarded a certificate for years of service in 2020-2021:
On NC State campus, 5-year awardees are staff Olivia Catlett and Research Associate/ Lab Manager Jennifer Sollinger, while Chief Operating Officer Rekha Balasubramanyam has achieved the 21 years of service milestone!
At UNC-Chapel Hill, 5-year honorees are Professors Jason Franz and Xiaogang Hu, Research Specialist Roopali Shrivastava (Benhabbour’s Research Lab), and staff members Laura L. Bartholomew and Eugene Yamamura. 10-year awardees are faculty Ted A. Bateman, Rahima Benhabbour, Interim Chair Paul Dayton, Kenny Donnelly and Kennita Johnson. Last but not least, Professor Shawn Gomez has reached the 15 years-of-service milestone this year.
Congratulations to all awardees for your extraordinary service and support to the Joint BME Department!