BME Associate Professors Jason Franz and David Lalush have each been awarded a one-year “Pilot & Feasibility” Research Grant of up to $25,000 in funding by UNC’s Thurston Arthritis Core Center for Clinical Research (CCCR). Dr Franz said of the award “So very thankful to have the support of UNC Thurston Arthritis Research Center to accelerate our new interdisciplinary line of research into the association between muscle action, inflammatory biomarkers, and cartilage loading during walking in people with osteoarthritis.” Also, Dr Lalush’s research focuses on identifying biomechanics phenotypes at risk for post traumatic osteoarthritis.
The objective of the pilot and feasibility research grant program is to provide seed money to initiate new and innovative projects in the areas of phenotyping and precision medicine that will enhance work being done in the UNC CCCR, and generate preliminary data needed to develop projects that will successfully compete for extramural support. Congratulations to both Franz and Lalush on the well deserved awards! To read the announcement, visit UNC School of Medicine website here.