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BME Assistant Professor Andrea Giovannucci has been selected as a 2020 Beckman Young Investigator (BYI), with a grant award of $600,000 to support his proposed research, “An optical brain machine interface to track brain states and connectivity.” The Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation selected Dr. Giovannucci from a pool of over 300 applicants after a three-part review led by a panel of scientific experts.

The Beckman Young Investigator Program was established in 1991 with the mission of supporting the most promising young faculty members in the early stages of their academic careers in the chemical and life sciences particularly to foster the invention of methods, instruments and materials that will open up new avenues of research in science. “Our newest Beckman Young Investigator awardees are inspired to address global issues through their research…we can’t wait to see the exciting work from this outstanding group of young researchers!” says Dr. Anne Hultgren, the Foundation’s Executive Director and CEO. Many congratulations to Assistant Professor Giovannucci for this well-deserved award and future research! To review the full list of 2020 Beckman Young Investigators Awardees, you can visit the Foundation’s website here.


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