On September 19, BME Associate Professor Scott Magness met with Senators Thom Tillis and Richard Burr, and Representative David Price, as well as other Congressional leaders from around the nation, as part of the Rally for Medical Research on Capitol Hill. He was among hundreds of researchers from around the country who met with various Congressional leaders to bring awareness to the need for more federally-funded medical research.
Prof. Magness is a member of the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center and the UNC Center for Gastrointestinal Biology and Disease. His research focuses on the basic biology of intestinal stem cells, the genes that control their behavior, and translational approaches to stem cell based therapies for human disease and injury of the intestine.
The Rally for Research was established in 2013 and held every September since on Capitol Hill to inform policymakers about the importance of continued investment in medical research that helps save and improve lives. For the full news, visit UNC Health website here.